Publication of Colombian scholarship programs


On behalf of the Embassy of Colombia I would like to kindly forward the letter EHUBD No. 073. and the attached information regarding the publication of Colombian scholarship programs Beca Colombia and International Experts 2024.
The Beca Colombia is financed and implemented by the Colombian Institute for Technical Studies Abroad  (ICETEX) for benefit of foreign citizens who want to pursue language or postgraduate studies in our country. The scholarship considers programs for improvement of Spanish, specialization, master's and doctorate degrees.
For more information, please visit the following link:
Estas becas aplican sólo para ciudadanos extranjeros sin doble nacionalidad y que no residan en Colombia.
The International Experts program, also run by ICETEX, is intended for the participation of national and international experts in events and activities organized in Colombia or abroad by higher education institutions. The program covers certain categories of expenses regarding the mobility of internation lecturers and researchers collaborating with Colombian universities.
For more information, please visit the following link:
We remain at your disposal to deepen or clarify any point of the information. Please, contact us through our Embassy's email address ( or that of the Cultural Attachéé, Mr. Alejandro Imbachí Muñoz (