Researchers' Night at the Department of Pharmacognosy

1 October 2019

The Department of Pharmacognosy offered a wide selection of programs on Researchers' Night 2019.

Essential Oils from Medicinal Plants

Viktória Lilla Balázs , dr. Eszter Csikós, dr. Adrienn Horváth

Participants got an insight into possible uses of essential oils. The methods of obtaining essential oil from plants were shown in a presentation, as well as under laboratory conditions. 


Medicinal plants in the garden - Everyday use of spices and herbs

dr. Dragica Dragica, dr. Sámuel Gergely Bartha

During a walk in the Medicinal Plant Garden of the institute, participants were introduced to the most important medicinal plants and herbs used in Hungary, focusing on their botanical characteristics and possible medicinal uses.


Honey adulteration, health benefits of honey

dr. Ágnes Farkas, Lilla Nagy-Radványi 

What are the major health benefits of honeys? How can we check the origin and quality of honey? The above questions were answered by an interactive presentation, as well as organoleptic and microscopic studies. 


Folk Medicine Today - Medicinal Plant Use in Transylvania

dr. Nóra Papp

The presentation summarized the results of field trips to Transylvania, mainly the valley of Homoród / Homoródalmás, illustrated by dried medicinal plants and original photos.