Successful international ERASMUS cooperation at the University of Pécs (UP) Faculty of Pharmacy

30 March 2021

​Participation of the Department of Pharmacognosy of the UP in an international teaching material development project

Natural compounds have always been in the focus of interest because of their several positive effects exert on the human body. Today, plant-based products are significantly popular in all countries of the world. The knowledge about herbs is constantly changing and expanding, and this knowledge needs to be introduced for both professionals involved in healing and for users.

Therefore, some European Universities decided to start a co-operation. The Open access Educational Materials on Naturally Occurring Molecules – sources, biological activity and use (OEMONOM) project targets at preparation of comprehensible, free and easily available materials for professionals, students of biomedicinal disciplines as well as lay persons in relation to the effect of natural compounds on human health.

The project (ERAMUS+ KA203 Strategic partnership) arose from collaboration of 8 European universities and will be available in 8 native languages of participating universities (Czech, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Portuguese, Slovak and Slovene), not only in English. From Hungary, the Department of Pharmacognosy, Faculty of Pharmacy, UP is participating in the project, in cooperation with international universities such as Charles University, University of Bologna, University of Lorraine, University of Porto, Comenius University in Bratislava, University of Ljubljana. The duration of the project is 36 months (September 1, 2020 - August 31, 2023).

Official website of the project:

Teaching material development staff of the Department of Pharmacognosy UP