A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Sipos Katalin
associate professor,
Előadás: 14 Óra
Gyakorlat: 0 Óra
Szeminárium: 28 Óra
Összesen: 42 Óra
- Kód: OTV-BIC1-T
- 3 Kredit
- Biotechnology BSc
- Specialised Core Module modul
- spring
OTN-GENC-T finished , OTV-SEBI-T finished
Vizsgakurzus:Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 1 fő
In the Biochemistry I subject, the students will study the macromolecules, which build up the eukaryotic cells. They learn about the most important energy providing pathways (glycolysis, citric acid cycle, fatty acid degradation, photosynthesis), and the major biosynthetic pathways (glycogen, lipid, amino acid and nucleotide synthesis). In addition, we will deal with the basic biochemistry of prokaryotic and plant cells, as they are widely used in biotechnology.
- 1. Introduction. Metabolic pathways - Sipos Katalin
- 2. Glycolysis - Sipos Katalin
- 3. Gluconeogenesis. Cori cycle - Farkas Viktória
- 4. Metabolism of glycogen - Farkas Viktória
- 5. Pyruvate dehydrogenase complex - Farkas Viktória
- 6. Pentose phosphate pathway - Pap Ramóna
- 7. Degradation of fatty acids - Sipos Katalin
- 8. Citric acid cycle - Sipos Katalin
- 9. Terminal oxidation, ATP synthesis - Farkas Viktória
- 10. Ketone bodies - Farkas Viktória
- 11. Biosynthesis of fatty acids - Farkas Viktória
- 12. Metabolism of cholesterol - Farkas Viktória
- 13. Amino acids - Pap Ramóna
- 14. Nucleic acids: building blocks, structure - Pap Ramóna
- 1. Basic regulatory processes of metabolism - Jánosa Gergely
- 2. Thermodynamics, biochemical reactions - Jánosa Gergely
- 3.
- Farkas Viktória - 4.
- Farkas Viktória - 5. Enzymology - the basics - Sipos Katalin
- 6. Enzyme kinetics - Sipos Katalin
- 7. Inhibition of enzymes - Sipos Katalin
- 8. Regulation of enzymes - Sipos Katalin
- 9. Enzymes in biotechnology - Pandur Edina
- 10. Enzymes in biotechnology - Pandur Edina
- 11.
Importance of carbohydrates in biotechnology
- Pap Ramóna - 12. Metabolism of complex carbohydrates - Farkas Viktória
- 13. Lipids - Jánosa Gergely
- 14. Importance of lipids in biotechnology. - Jánosa Gergely
- 15. Anaplerotic processes. - Farkas Viktória
- 16. Metabolism of complex lipids. - Sipos Katalin
- 17. Clinical importance of terminal oxidation. - Farkas Viktória
- 18. Carbohydrates – summary. - Sipos Katalin
- 19.
Energy production in plants.
- Pandur Edina - 20.
Carbohydrate metabolism in plants.
- Pandur Edina - 21. Energy production in bacteria - Jánosa Gergely
- 22. Energy production in bacteria - Jánosa Gergely
- 23. Lipids, energy production – summary - Sipos Katalin
- 24. Lipids, energy production – summary - Sipos Katalin
- 25. Structure of proteins. - Pandur Edina
- 26. Purification of proteins. - Pandur Edina
- 27. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 28. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
The materials of the lectures and seminars will appear on Neptune.
Ajánlott irodalom
Ch. P. Woodbury: Biochemistry for the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Raymond S. Ochs: Biochemistry
Thomas M. Devlin: Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
There are no other terms of acceptance.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
There is no written mid-term exam in the semester.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
According to personal agreement
There are no given exam questions. The topics of the exam will be the materials of lectures and seminars.
- Farkas Viktória
- Pandur Edina
- Sipos Katalin
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Farkas Viktória
- Jánosa Gergely
- Pandur Edina
- Pap Ramóna
- Sipos Katalin