A Tantárgybejelentőben megadott hivatalos adatok az alábbi tanévre: 2024-2025
Sipos Katalin
associate professor,
Előadás: 14 Óra
Gyakorlat: 28 Óra
Szeminárium: 14 Óra
Összesen: 56 Óra
- Kód: OTV-BIC2-T
- 4 Kredit
- Biotechnology BSc
- Specialised Core Module modul
- autumn
OTV-BIC1-T finished
Vizsgakurzus:Kurzus létszámkorlát
min. 1 fő – max. 100 fő
Biochemistry II is built on the already known energy providing and biosynthetic pathways. We will study the metabolic regulations at different levels: cellular, tissues and whole organism. This means the most important information about enzymes and hormones: their synthesis and mechanisms of action. Especially enzymes are the subject of biotechnology: they are products as well as tools. Considering the human body, we discuss the energy supplies in fasting, sport, work, and also the most frequent pathobiochemical situations (diabetes mellitus). Special subject is the transmembrane processes, which are the targets of a large number of drugs.
- 1. Biomembranes - Jánosa Gergely
- 2. Transport processes - Sipos Katalin
- 3.
- Farkas Viktória - 4. Amino acids: synthesis and degradation - Farkas Viktória
- 5. Urea cycle - Sipos Katalin
- 6. Purine and pyrimidine synthesis - Farkas Viktória
- 7. Degradation of nucleotides - Farkas Viktória
- 8. Neurotransmitters - Pap Ramóna
- 9. Role of the liver in metabolism - Sipos Katalin
- 10. Development of drugs - Pandur Edina
- 11. Drugs in biotechnology - Pandur Edina
- 12. Metabolism of drugs - Sipos Katalin
- 13. Genetic diseases of metabolism - Pap Ramóna
- 14. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 1.
General laboratory instructions. Making report of the practice.
- Pap Ramóna - 2.
General laboratory instructions. Making report of the practice.
- Pap Ramóna - 3. Preparation of cell lysate. Acrylamide gel. - Jánosa Gergely
- 4. Preparation of cell lysate. Acrylamide gel. - Jánosa Gergely
- 5. Western blotting - Pap Ramóna
- 6. Western blotting - Pap Ramóna
- 7. Anorganic phosphate usage in fermentation - Farkas Viktória
- 8. Anorganic phosphate usage in fermentation - Farkas Viktória
- 9. Lactate dehydrogenase enzyme - Pap Ramóna
- 10. Lactate dehydrogenase enzyme - Pap Ramóna
- 11. Alkalic phosphatase. Inhibition of the enzyme - Pap Ramóna
- 12. Alkalic phosphatase. Inhibition of the enzyme - Pap Ramóna
- 13. Determination of blood sugar - Pap Ramóna
- 14. Determination of blood sugar - Pap Ramóna
- 15. Determination of cholesterol level - Farkas Viktória
- 16. Determination of cholesterol level - Farkas Viktória
- 17. Determination of uric acid level - Farkas Viktória
- 18. Determination of uric acid level - Farkas Viktória
- 19. HPLC - Horváth Adrienn (Farmakognózia)
- 20. HPLC - Horváth Adrienn (Farmakognózia)
- 21. Mass spectrometry - Horváth Adrienn (Farmakognózia)
- 22. Mass spectrometry - Horváth Adrienn (Farmakognózia)
- 23. Toxicology - determination of ethanol level in blood - Sipos Katalin
- 24. Toxicology - determination of ethanol level in blood - Sipos Katalin
- 25. Institute of Laboratory Medicine - human samples for diagnosis, automated systems in a laboratory - Sipos Katalin
- 26. Institute of Laboratory Medicine - human samples for diagnosis, automated systems in a laboratory - Sipos Katalin
- 27. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 28. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
- 1. Biochemistry of vitamins - Jánosa Gergely
- 2. Digestion and absorption of macronutrients - Pap Ramóna
- 3.
Transport processes
- Sipos Katalin - 4. Diabetes mellitus - Farkas Viktória
- 5. Muscle, brain, kidney, sport, pregnancy - Jánosa Gergely
- 6. Starvation, fed state - Farkas Viktória
- 7. Metabolism of lipids - Sipos Katalin
- 8. Carbohydrate metabolism - Sipos Katalin
- 9. Regulation of glycolysis, gluconeogenesis - Farkas Viktória
- 10. Regulation of citric acid cycle, ATP synthesis - Sipos Katalin
- 11. Regulation of glycogen and cholesterol metabolism - Farkas Viktória
- 12. Metabolism of alcohol - Pap Ramóna
- 13. Consultation - Farkas Viktória
- 14. Consultation - Sipos Katalin
A tananyag elsajátításához szükséges segédanyagok
Kötelező irodalom
Saját oktatási anyag
The materials of the lectures and seminars will appear on Neptune.
Ajánlott irodalom
Ch. P. Woodbury: Biochemistry for the Pharmaceutical Sciences
Raymond S. Ochs: Biochemistry
Thomas M. Devlin: Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations
A félév elfogadásának feltételei
There are no other terms of acceptance.
Félévközi ellenőrzések
There is no written mid-term exam in the semester.
Távolmaradás pótlásának lehetőségei
According to personal agreement
There are no given exam questions. The topics of the writtenexam will be the materials of lectures and seminars. There essay questions in the final exam about known topics.
- Farkas Viktória
- Pandur Edina
- Sipos Katalin
Gyakorlatok, szemináriumok oktatói
- Farkas Viktória
- Jánosa Gergely
- Pap Ramóna
- Sipos Katalin