Diploma Speech by Ammar Al Omari, graduate pharmacist: Our graduation should serve as a launching point

30 July 2020

The welcoming speech of foreign pharmacy students who passed the state exam in 2020 was written by Ammar Al Omari and then delivered at the extraordinary Graudation event of the graduates.

Ladies and gentlemen, dear doctors, teachers, professors, faculty members and my fellow graduates.

Thank you all for being here in such imperative day of our lives as graduates. Well, we did it. We all accomplished one of the major milestones of our lives: university graduation, but let’s keep in mind that graduation is not an end goal in itself; it is instead a part of the larger journey of life, Our graduation should serve as launching point, projecting us to wherever our futures are meant to take us.

This graduation has already shown us how capable we all are of accomplishing our goals when we commit ourselves to them. I hope all of us here today can take this personal accomplishment as an example of how anything is truly possible when we put our minds to it.

From this day forward, Lets believe in ourselves, Lets be the best that we can be so that we may fill our lives and the lives of those close to us with happiness and  pride.

And for you teachers words are powerless to express our gratitude to you, thank you from the bottom of our hearts, thank you for never letting us down, thank you for all you have done, which we will never forget, we truly appreciate the time and the effort you spent helping us reaching this point of our lives, may the wisdom and well being goes along.

Thank you.