Highlights from the 16th Professional Day at the Faculty of Pharmacy

2 October 2024

On 26th September, the corridors and lecture halls of the University of Pécs Faculty of Pharmacy once again filled with life, this time for the traditional Professional Day events. This year’s programme attracted even more attendees and students than ever before, both for the professional and

The day was officially opened by dr. Szilárd Pál, Vice Dean for Organisational Development and Relations, and dr. Krisztián Kvell, Vice Dean for General, Scientific, and Innovation Affairs. Following this, dr. Györgyi Horváth, Chair of the Undergraduate Research Society (URS), encouraged students to join the URS, while dr. Krisztián Kvell presented the opportunities available in the PhD programme. Spectacular poster exhibitions lined the corridors, offering students firsthand information on the latest biotechnological and pharmaceutical research, as well as potential URS topics.


At the career orientation lectures, which formed the core of the event, renowned professionals from the fields of biotechnology and the pharmaceutical industry shared their experiences. dr. Ákos Végh (Alpha-Vet Ltd.), Dénes Seffer (PannonPharma Ltd.), dr. Pál Bajnóczi (Prophyl Ltd.), and dr. Simon Armbruszt (Soft-Flow Ltd.) provided genuine insights into the innovative world of pharmaceutical and biotechnological developments and research. The experts elaborated on where and how students could get involved in these processes and highlighted exciting career opportunities. These presentations, enriched with professional experiences, were not only inspiring but also prompted numerous questions from students, making the morning sessions more interactive and engaging.


In celebration of World Pharmacists Day, an awards ceremony was held, during which the Faculty leadership honoured students who had demonstrated outstanding achievements. The top students of the 2023/24 academic year included:

Zoé Csenge Kiss (1st year, Pharmacy,  Hungarian Programme),

Vladyslav Melnychenko (1st year, Pharmacy, English Programme),

Dang Hoang Khanh Phoung (1st year, BSc Biotechnology),

Kristóf Erát (2nd year, Pharmacy, Hungarian Programme),

Máté Zoltán Szijártó (2nd year, BSc Biotechnology),

Barbara Szemesi (3rd year, Pharmacy, Hungarian Programme),

Jeff Muchiri Waweru (3rd year, Pharmacy, English Programme),

Elvira Fábián (4th year, Pharmacy, Hungarian Programme),

Wayne Awugocho Ochenjele (4th year, Pharmacy, English Programme).

For her excellent academic performance and scientific work, Virág Ángyán received the Rector's Commendation, while dr. Dóra Pocsai was recognised for her community service and academic achievements as the President of the Hungarian Student Council. The National Higher Education Scholarship for the 2024/2025 academic year, awarded by the Minister responsible for education, was won by three students: Anett Nagy, Szilárda Lili Hütter, and Máté Zoltán Szijártó.

The Faculty’s institutes and teaching staff were also honoured. Based on student feedback, the "Best Teaching Institute" award went to the Department of Pharmacodynamics and the Institute of Pharmaceutical Chemistry this year.

For their outstanding teaching efforts and student-centred approach, dr. Ramóna Pap, dr. Katalin Kovács-Rozmer, and dr. Gergely Jánosa received the "Excellent Teacher" awards.

Following the professional programme, students and staff concluded the day with a social evening, featuring a cooking competition, quizzes, and a DJ to ensure a lively atmosphere. As in previous years, the event focused on community building and promoting scientific knowledge, further enhancing the Faculty's reputation in the fields of pharmacy and biotechnology education.

With thanks,

The Faculty of Pharmacy Leadership and the GYTK Student Council Team